Saturday, February 27, 2010

How to be happy ,Though human

" Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it ".
- Donald R Marquis

If you are not basically happy, consider the following suggestions for increasing your happiness, some of which are based on the work of David Meyers, a Psychologist and Professor at Hope College in Holland , Michigan.

* Relax often. You will reduce stress and balance your spirit.

* Get adequate sleep. Your body needs the recharging sleep provides. Don't shortchange yourself; You won't be at your best.

* Develop close relationships. Share love and positive feelings. We're social beings ; We don't exist very well in a Vaccum.

* Identify your beliefs. Affirm your beliefs and your relationship to God (or your own Higher Power). Walk in alignment with your beliefs.

* See life and yourself in perspective. Don't catastrophize problems or overreact to everyday concerns.

* Be optimistic. What have you got to lose by expecting things to work out well ?

* Have mutual respect . You can't expect others to respect you if you don't have self - respect. At the same time , respect others. Realize that everyone including you deserves respect.

* Take pride in your work . Realize that each person's work - no matter what the task - is a contribution to society.

* Set realistic goals and expectations. What can you reasonably expect from any given endeavor or situation ?.

* Identify joyful activities and engage in them regularly.

Taken from the book

' How to Feel is up to You '

By Gary D McKay, PH.D
Don Dinkmeyer PH.D

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