Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Background RELEASE 01
Introduction to the MESSY Affair
August 18, 2009 New Delhi
Anand Jon has become the symbol of the innocent man fighting for truth and justice. The Anand Jon affair has become the prime example of one of the worst cases of prosecutorial misconduct and racism of the century.
"We trust the court will do the right thing and grant a new trial and Anand Jon will be exonerated and an innocent man will finally go home to his family." –Lenny Levine, Anand Jon’s Defense Attorney
Against all odds, Anand Jon, a South Asian/colored, straight young man, was steadily ascending to become the "Next Big Thing" with numerous accolades and awards such as "Rising Star" Asia Society 06, "Best New Designer," Fashion Week of Americas 03 and "Designer of the Year," 05 from Vancouver Fashion Week. Along with his circle of next generation high profile friends and clients, Anand Jon found his own budding celebrity designer status thrust into the limelight and inevitably into the gossip columns.
As a result his personal life, who he was dating, if he was gay?, and the perceived image of a flamboyant lifestyle all became tabloid fodder highlighting the spiciest buzz whether they were true or not. Though relatively harmless this unfortunately began to distract and somehow overshadow his true talent as a artist and businessman, being the first of a kind young colored man that had risen to the top of the high fashion world.
Anand Jon’s frequent TV exposure on shows like Americas Next Top Model, VH1, E!, and MTV all contributed to building a phenomenon who never lost track of his roots and values. The Anand Jon brand name was further progressed by multimillion dollar evaluations by Wall Street. Unfortunately with the arrival of the big money and high profile status there were drastic side effects as well. Not surprisingly around the same time a series of extortion attempts and threats exploded which was initially a conspiracy from within his own close knit circle. Their open adoration transformed from love to hate when they didn’t get what they wanted. These were mostly rejected, scorned women and some disgruntled business partners that were motivated by greed, scorn and revenge (primarily via a vicious online assassination campaign). Investigation showed personal relationships between some of these scorned women and government agents investigating the case. This suspicious activity escalated these groupies and gossip-gone-wild "stories" into the most ridiculous basis for criminal allegations.
Despite all the evidence and witnesses clearly pointing to his innocence Anand Jon was arrested and has been locked up in solitary confinement for over two years simply based upon these bizarre and highly improbable stories that borderline on paranoid science fiction.
As the absurdity of allegations and astounding amounts of exculpatory evidence (showing the obvious motives, the conspiracy and in turn his innocence) surfaced, rather than dismissing the charges, the overzealous prosecutors did exactly the opposite to take advantage of this high- profile opportunity. "Violent crimes," they preached to the New York Times and went on to methodically orchestrate a negative media hysteria while pressuring other jurisdictions and denying Anand Jon bail violating his basic civil rights! Six months later the prosecutors admitted and recanted "No weapons, No violence, and No injuries," while a year later they dropped the majority of the charges while almost all the so called victims and witnesses "vanished."
While the prosecutions bad character propaganda included calling him "Fallen angel" and accused him of "narcissism and arrogance" (neither of which are criminal) it exposed the startling personal malice and prejudice of the very foundation of the case and its tainted investigation. Also exposed was the severe tampering with and destruction of evidence, witness coaxing and intimidating, manipulating and missing exculpatory evidence favorable to Anand Jon. The prosecution displayed its blatant abuse of power with absolutely no consequences.
Is Brown The New Black?
Both the government agents and the "so called victims" were exposed to have made vile racial jokes/ comments including "India head" and "curry smelling dick." Anand Jon has held steadfast to his innocence and already beaten a whopping 43 counts. The one and only remaining forcible rape count has not only turned out to be "NEGATIVE" in a rape kit test, and "no signs of trauma, injuries, use of force or assault related findings" (…verified by the prosecution’s own expert witness Dr. Schulman). In fact, to further scientifically and irrefutably prove his innocence, Anand Jon went on to take and pass a polygraph/ lie detector test. (95% accurate!)
By their own stories the victims qualify for all the motives and post incident behavior that are red flags for false allegations as per the prosecution’s own expert witness.
"He was attractive, successful, charming, and I was interested in a relationship with him. We all admitted that we were in romantic relationships with him and hated the fact that he was always looking for new girls." I was mad cause he did not teach me the new karma sutra positions" -Lauren Elise Quinn, December 2006, [written statement] - not an alleged victim anywhere, but started the conspiracy
"I didn’t put my clothes back on because I thought it would be rude." – Stacey F during a lingerie casting, where she "just wouldn’t leave" (for 2 hours), sworn testimony under oath
"I wanna sue him for all the money" – Lori B December 2006, written statement
"He was charming and I was impressed." "He was kind and like a good friend, not a threat. He taught me how to do ab(dominal) crunches…." –Holly Gavel right after her alleged "drugged brutal attack" Holly G moved in paying $900/month rent. [Sworn testimony]
"Never saw or heard anyone upset, crying or screaming. Never saw any illegal substances." - admits both Lori B and Holly Gavel [sworn testimony].
"The DA told me it was fine (to lie under oath); people do stupid things under stress." "I know there were drugs because the DA told me they found drugs in his apartment." – Holly Gavel chats with Lauren Boyette [written statement]
"I went in his bedroom got naked and laid in his bed with him cause I thought he was gay." - Tara S [sworn testimony]
"I thought he said he was part of the mafia." – Kristy W. [sworn testimony]
"He had not raped me or anything like that. But it was the verbal abuse that made me feel awful." -Katie W. interview with lead detective George Elwell. Over a dozen charges were filed in NY and LA after this interview [recorded statement] – all charges in LA were eventually dropped
"I thought he was charming and I planned a romantic weekend." – Britny O. [written statement]
"The DA implanted the drug idea in my head." "I did not think anything that happened between Anand Jon and I was illegal, the DA told me I was a victim and to file charges." – Britny O [testimony under oath] – all charges by her were beaten
"Hi Babe. Miss You. Can’t wait to see you XOXO"- Jessie Marie B personal email before changing her story claiming her relationship was "strictly professional" [written email statement]
"I thought it was cool I was getting to model his clothes." "I was confused. It still had not come to me what had happened." – Jessie Marie B, 9 hours after her "alleged incident". Numerous witnesses were present who confirm her being "in a happy and giddy mood" and even asked Anand Jon " for free pairs of jeans".[sworn testimony]
"No violence, no injuries, no weapons" admits prosecution November 2007 recanting their initial statements or supposed violent crimes
"The arrogance and narcissism of someone who believes the rules do not apply to them" – states a venom spiting prosecutor filled with personal malice against Anand Jon. [Note: if arrogance and narcissism even if true were illegal characteristics most of Hollywood would be in jail.]
"No sign of or any use of force. No threats, no violence, no injuries," verifies prosecution’s lead medical examiner Dr. Shulmann testifying under oath Oct 2008
These same women continued to travel, move in as paying roommates, attend events and pose on the red carpet with Anand Jon AFTER their "incidents". Despite these women saying these above quotes and all the evidence pointing to Anand Jon’s innocence they still filed charges. (…or admit they were coaxed and pressured to file charges.)
Lauren Boyette testified March 27, 2009 that Holly G asked her (along with several other women) to file false allegations against Anand Jon while Detective Elwell offered deals to the women in exchange for their testimony against Anand Jon.
The astounding lies under oath/ perjury that was exposed shattered the pristine image of the so called victims. The prosecutors claimed the women to be "naïve, helpless, small town women who don’t know each other and had no motives." Nothing could be further from the truth as the prosecution intentionally with held and hid their shocking pasts, scandalous lifestyles and illegal activities/criminal records. The "small towns" these so called victims came from may be "Sodom and Gomorrah" as the facts show most involved in extortion, theft, previous false allegations, illegal drug use and distribution, violence, mental instability and working in the porn industry and as escorts and prostitutes. Also turns out almost all of them knew each other very well, communicated extensively and even scripted with each other, sold media stories and met with civil lawyers together. What makes it worse is that the prosecution was aware of much of this and still chose to let these women off the hook and encourage them to accomplish their own agenda- which is one of the worst examples of prosecutorial misconduct, not to mention; wasting millions of tax payers’ dollars.
While the prosecution’s "self-described paramilitary organization" has gotten away so far with this disturbing magnitude of prosecutorial misconduct, it is high time to hold them accountable for this blatant abuse of power. You or your loved one could be their next target, celebrity or not, and the chances are much higher if the individual happens to be colored. Truth and justice must be reinstated and for starters this prosecution needs to be removed, independently investigated, while Anand Jon needs to be given a fair bail and a fair trial immediately.
For additional information regarding the Anand Jon case see or contact Sanjana Jon, , 09717321071 (Delhi).

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